
Andrea holds a degree (Diplom) in Computational Linguistics from the University of Stuttgart and an MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh. She switched to pure philosophy so she could work on ethics, completing an MA in Philosophy at the University of Leeds and a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Reading.

While studying for her doctorate, Andrea taught undergraduates at the University of Reading. Since obtaining her PhD in 2011 she has been teaching forĀ Oxford University Department for Continuing Education. She has taught the following subjects: ethics, the meaning of life, philosophy of art, the self, human nature, political philosophy, critical reasoning, formal logic, and theory of knowledge. Further details about her continuing education courses can be foundĀ here.

Since 2012 Andrea has also been teaching introductory philosophy courses in schools .

She is an active researcher and has published in both linguistics and philosophy. For more information about her research please go here.